Upcoming from the Instructional Suite


Children move from activity to activity at various times of the day; some transitions are quick, some are slow, and some depend on the individual child. A brief, engaging transition helps children to move from one activity to the next with intent. We will explore how effective transitions can help to reduce challenging behaviors and enhance the learning experience. We will also discuss and practice strategies for transitioning between activities and each participant will leave with a plan to support successful transitions.

Date and time: Wednesday, October 25, 6 - 8 pm EDT | Location: Zoom


Assessment is a process by which teachers and providers gather information about a child’s skills. This information can be used to create relevant lesson plans that suit the child’s state of development. We will discuss the teacher’s role in observing and connecting those observations with a child’s developmental goals. Teaching in the early childhood field is an ongoing cycle of observing, guiding learning, and assessing progress. We will describe how, what, and when to observe in an objective way and demonstrate how to use the developmental milestones and objectives in the process.

Date and time: Saturday, November 4, 9 - 11 am EDT | Location: Zoom