Stabilization Grant - Virtual Office Hours

VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS | Stabilization 2.0 Workforce Support Assistance

Starting November 16, you are encouraged to join us via zoom every day from 1-2 pm to discuss the Stabilization 2.0 application, Expense report 1, and Expense report 2.

This is a great opportunity to get one-on-one assistance, ask questions or address any concerns you have about the Workforce support grant.

If you still need to apply for the Workforce Support grant and you need further assistance with the application, please send an email to with APPLICATION ASSISTANCE in the SUBJECT LINE so I can quickly identify your email. I will hold a separate zoom session where we can walk through the application together.

Thank you for your continued patience.

Kiersten Kennedy, Finance Support

(518) 426-7181 Ext. 301 or 349,


Meeting ID: 813 6361 8448
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        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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